Shaving Cream Easter Eggs

Coloring and decorating eggs for Easter is a long-standing tradition for families. For many years, my family used the typical method of pouring vinegar into those store-bought color cups. You put the egg in the cup, and you sit and wait. If you want a really brilliant color, you go do something else for a while. A year or two ago, I discovered an easier and more enjoyable method – shaving cream Easter eggs.

Materials Needed

  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • 1 can of shaving cream (not shaving gel)
  • Food coloring
  • Rubber gloves
  • Cookie sheet
  • Toothpicks
  • Paper towels
  • Plastic table cloth (optional)

How to Make Shaving Cream Easter Eggs

First, spray a bunch (technical measurement) of shaving cream out on your cookie sheet. Spread it out flat in the cookie sheet. You can let the kids do this – it’s a pretty fun tactile experience.

Next, drip food coloring on the shaving cream. Be as liberal with it as you want. You won’t need a lot to get the job done, but have fun with it.

Take a toothpick and drag it around a little bit in the shaving cream. Essentially, you’re just trying to mix the pattern/color up a little bit.

From here, put the rubber glover on so you don’t stain your hands with the shaving cream. You can now roll the eggs in the shaving cream/color. There’s really no wrong way to do it. If you don’t want to use your hands, you can always use a spoon or tongs. It’s very easy, and it only takes a moment. You don’t have to let it soak. Just get the shaving cream on the egg and set it to the side for a few moments (mess and all).

After a few minutes (really no need to let soak), wipe the eggs off with paper towels. You probably want to keep the gloves on so you don’t get coloring on your hands. The food coloring will have set. Voila! You have colored Easter eggs and they have a very cool design. My boys kind of overdosed on the shade of purple in this particular example.

After you’re done, you can let the kids play in the shaving cream (make sure they’re wearing rubber gloves). It’s a fun visual and tactile experience!

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